
How To Animate Tile Color Palette Mystery Dungeon

Title Screen

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Squad

Also known as: Pokemon Fushigi no Danjon Aka no Kyuujotai / Ao no Kyuujotai (JP), Pokemon Bulgasaui Dungeon Parang Gujodae (KR) (Blue Rescue Team)
Developer: Chunsoft
Publisher: Nintendo
Platforms: Game Boy Advance (Red Rescue Team), Nintendo DS (Blue Rescue Squad)
Released in JP: November 17, 2005
Released in Usa: September 18, 2006
Released in EU: November x, 2006
Released in AU: September 28, 2006
Released in KR: August 30, 2007 (Blue Rescue Team only)

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
Sgf2-unusedicon1.png This game has unused abilities.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

Now you, too, can live out your secret desires to be a Pokémon! Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Squad are the first two releases of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon sub-series, released respectively for Game Male child Accelerate and Nintendo DS.

Only Blueish Rescue Squad was ever released in Southward Korea, as Hyundai would not license a version of the Game Boy Advance for release in Korea: as a outcome, in that location are no starting time-political party Korean games for Game Male child Advance at all.


To practise:
  • Check the Korean version for dual-slot features or leftovers, since it would result equally unused.
  • There is a lot of development-related text, which slightly differs from Red Rescue Team to Blue Rescue Squad.
  • In that location are many unused special characters for the dialogue font. Listing and rip them.
  • In that location are also Japanese characters nonetheless nowadays in the The states and EUR version, rip them and explicate why their colors are glitched if forced to appear in non-Japanese versions.
  • Search for all unused sounds in this Nix archive.
  • Check out the Korean PC demo Gilt Rescue Squad, which has an unused Japanese title.
  • Certificate ROMs from the September xxx, 2020 leak, especially "".
  • Could this game have assets from Dragon Quest Characters: Torneko's Keen Adventure iii Advance leftover? As this game uses a exact like game engine to that game


  • 1 Sub-Pages
  • 2 Debug Menu
  • 3 Conditional Map
  • 4 Unused Pokémon
    • 4.i "??????????" Dialogue
    • iv.two Munchlax Animations
  • 5 Unused Graphics
    • 5.1 Loaded in VRAM
      • v.ane.1 Unused Dungeon Tilesets
        • Tileset 0x01
        • 5.1.1.two Tileset 0x14
        • five.ane.i.3 Tileset 0x16
        • 5.1.ane.iv Tileset 0x1A
      • five.i.two Japanese Freehand Writing (Europe Cerise Rescue Team)
      • 5.1.3 Title Groundwork (U.s.a. Red Rescue Team)
      • five.ane.4 HUD Font
      • v.1.v Item Sprite
      • 5.1.6 "FOR HP" Indicator
      • Shadow-On-Water Animations
    • five.2 Found Just in ROM
      • v.2.i Alternative HUD Font
      • v.2.2 Story Progress Badges
      • 5.2.3 Japanese Writing (Carmine Rescue Team)
      • five.2.4 Numbered Tags
      • five.2.5 Unused Text Icon
      • 5.ii.6 Unused Flooring Screen Characters
      • 5.2.7 Unused Portraits
  • half-dozen Unused Items
  • seven Unused Music
  • 8 Unused Sound Furnishings
    • viii.1 Redundant Sound Effects
  • ix Silent Tracks
  • x Unused Pokémon Settings
    • 10.1 Unused Pokémon Sizes
    • 10.2 Unused Walkable Tiles Setting
    • 10.3 Default Speed
    • 10.4 "None" Pokémon Blazon
    • x.5 "None" Friend Expanse
    • 10.six "-------" Pokémon Ability
    • ten.7 Munchlax'southward Evolution
    • 10.8 Diglett and Dugtrio Shadow
  • eleven Unused Dungeon Data
    • 11.1 Removed Pokémon
    • 11.2 Map Coordinates
  • 12 Unused Data
    • Unused Harm Types
    • 12.2 Unused Move Ranges
    • 12.3 Unused Tactics
  • thirteen Unused Text Placeholders
    • 13.1 "Unregistered dialog script" Dialogue
    • 13.2 "invalidity" String
    • 13.iii "undefine" String
    • 13.4 "ななし" Friend Area Name
  • xiv Build Dates
    • xiv.1 Ruby-red Rescue Team
    • 14.2 Blue Rescue Team
  • xv Regional Differences
    • Cerise Rescue Team Title Screen
    • xv.two Bluish Rescue Team Championship Screen
    • 15.3 Recruited Pokémon Listing
    • xv.4 Friend Area Overworld Map
  • 16 Revisional Differences




In that location is a Debug Bill of fare that can exist accessed by patching byte 0xE5B08 (Reddish Rescue Team) or 0xB7184 (Blueish Rescue Team) to 0x10 . This can be done by using the following crook lawmaking:

Blood-red Rescue Team (GameShark) Blue Rescue Squad
                                      E5199391 437FC95F 5483DD13 B5A5B62A                                  

Not applicable

For Blueish Rescue Squad, the ROM patch must be done manually with a file editor, since there aren't whatsoever Nintendo DS cheat devices that support this feature.

Equally a consequence, this will replace the "Delete Save Data" pick; also note that afterwards opening the chief menu, the cursor will signal by default to information technology, instead of to the "Go along" selection.

The first five options make the menu disappear and the game freeze, except for the music. The "Storage" option makes the game freeze without the carte disappearing. The "h-open" choice will return y'all to the primary menu.

Provisional Map



As well the Debug Room, there is some other unused area accessible via these cheat codes:

Red Rescue Squad (GameShark) Blue Rescue Squad (Activeness Replay)
                                      820C0AB4 0007                                  
                                      0210FAF0 00000007                                  

After activating the code, walk though any warp betoken in the overworld to access this area.

Despite the "Makuhita Dojo" area characterization shown in the overworld bill of fare, this room seems more like a business firm than a dojo: it has a bed, a fireplace, and many flowerpots. The Japanese characterization "仮マップ" on the lower function of the map means "provisional map". Also, it is possible to walk on the table, only not on the stairs present on the right.

There are two Pokémon NPCs in this room: a Noctowl and a Gulpin, respectively. When talked to, they will both requite a red "Unregistered dialog script" line. If the room is accessed before saving Magnemite, these NPCs will exist absent.

The background music is the aforementioned equally the one used for Makuhita Dojo mazes. Leaving the room (subsequently disabling the cheat code) will send the player to in forepart of the Makuhita Dojo entrance.

Unused Pokémon

The graphics and dialogue assigned to these Pokémon are used for various game mechanics, but they tin't be fought or recruited past any means; thus, all their data goes unused.

They can exist used every bit the main character by using the cheat codes below, in which the "????" corresponds to the relative Pokémon ID code.

Red Rescue Team (GameShark) Blue Rescue Team (Action Replay)
                                      820048D0 00FF 82030698 ????                                  
                                      021136E4 000000FF 021136A8 0000????                                  

Note that this code should exist enabled before finishing the personality test. This will force the game to select Charmander equally the master character, and and so to change it into the desired Pokémon before the starting time cutscene.

Code Proper noun Category Palette Size Type Walkable Tiles Friend Area Ability Shadow Size Base Exp. Recruit Take a chance
0000 ?????????? Eruption Pokémon 0x00 1 Normal Ground None Overgrown Big 100 -999
01A4 Munchlax Big Vocalisation Pokémon 0x0C ane Psychic Ground None Pressure level Medium 100 0
01A5 Decoy Slacker Pokémon 0x03 1 Steel Basis None Pressure Medium 1 0
01A6 Statue Coal Pokémon 0x05 one H2o Ground None Drizzle Small xiv 7
01A7 Rayquaza Sky High Pokémon 0x03 iv Dragon, Flight Ground, Magma, Water, Sky Stratos Lookout Air Lock Large 230 0

Stat tables can be found on the notes page.

Below are explanations about their utilize past the game:

  • ??????????: This seems to be a placeholder or early test. Trying to make information technology appear by using any kind of method makes the game crash due to multiple invalid data fields. It also has unique unused dungeon ally dialogue.
  • Munchlax: Function of its animations are used for ii side-story events, which occur randomly afterward the primary story is finished. Its dungeon dialogue is used for Pokémon escorted in missions.
  • Decoy: Its graphics are used for the Decoy status aliment, and its dungeon dialogue is used for Gengar escorted during the relative side-story missions.
  • Statue: It has a single sprite image which is used for the Kangaskan Statue, which allows you to save the game before entering a dungeon during story events. In dungeons, it appears completely blackness due to a glitch.
  • Rayquaza : A clone of Rayquaza, whose animations are used for chief-story cutscenes.

"??????????" Dialogue

Usual i/ii HP or less 1/iv HP or less Level Up
This is getting tough...                
I can't proceed...                
I leveled up. I'yard happy!                

Munchlax Animations


To do:
Access the other event and check whether any of the listed animations are used.

PMD1-MunchlaxSleep.gif PMD1-MunchlaxIdleD.gif PMD1-MunchlaxIdleDL.gif PMD1-MunchlaxIdleL.gif PMD1-MunchlaxIdleU.gif PMD1-MunchlaxIdleUL.gif PMD1-MunchlaxWalkD.gif PMD1-MunchlaxWalkDL.gif PMD1-MunchlaxWalkU.gif PMD1-MunchlaxWalkUL.gif

These animations are left unused for Munchlax, as can be seen in the video.

Unused Graphics

Loaded in VRAM

These graphics are loaded in VRAM while the game is running, simply remain unused.

Unused Dungeon Tilesets

This game has several dungeon tilesets that are not used during normal gameplay.

Tileset 0x01

Tileset 0x01
An early version of Pitfall Valley's tileset. Used on the showtime floor of an unused dungeon, "Autopilot". Was later used for Tiny Meadow in Explorers.

Tileset 0x14

Tileset 0x14
An early version of Purity Wood's tileset. Was afterward used for Last Maze B23F in Explorers.

Tileset 0x16

Tileset 0x16
A palette swap of Waterfall Pond that could've been an early on version of Southern Cave's tileset. This tileset is included in Explorers, but remains unused.

Tileset 0x1A

Tileset 0x1A
An unused wood tileset (a palette swap of 0x14) that'south used on the tertiary floor of an unused dungeon, "Boss 3". Was later used for Lush Prairle in Explorers.

Japanese Freehand Writing (Europe Carmine Rescue Squad)


Some freehand Japanese writing and cross marks are loaded in VRAM when displaying the European language-option screen. These are the first-row characters of the Hiragana alphabet.

Championship Background (United states Red Rescue Team)

Full Title Screen Title Background
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team title.png PMDRRT-TitleSky.png

The title groundwork, which is unlike for the Us version only, has the lower part unseen.

HUD Font


These HUD characters are loaded in VRAM after entering a dungeon. Note that the adjacent used characters were removed from the image manually.

Item Sprite


This sprite is loaded in VRAM afterwards entering a dungeon, forth with all the other item sprites. In the prototype above, it is represented using all 13 item sprite palettes.

"FOR HP" Indicator


This sprite is loaded in VRAM subsequently inbound a dungeon, but during gameplay it'due south replaced by the HP harm/cure corporeality or the "MISS" notice. Information technology was probably intended to indicate a placeholder during development.

Shadow-On-Water Animations

Unused Used
PMDRRT-UnusedWaterShadows.gif PMDRRT-UsedWaterShadows.gif

These animations are loaded in VRAM after inbound a dungeon, along with all the other Pokémon shadows. There are three sizes of shadow in the game, only when continuing on water, simply the big ones are used regardless of the size of the respective shadow when on the ground. Also, these seem to be early designs when compared to the used ones.

Found Just in ROM

These graphics are present only in the ROM, with no known use in the game; thus, they are probably represented with wrong palettes.

Alternative HUD Font

Nippon US/Commonwealth of australia/Europe/South Korea

These HUD characters are found right after the ones loaded in VRAM. In the U.s.a., Australian, European, and Korean versions, all the Japanese characters accept a unlike background color and don't take anti-aliasing.

Story Progress Badges


These four sprites are found correct after the other Legendary Pokémon mini-portraits, which indicates the progress of the game story when loading the save.

Japanese Writing (Red Rescue Team)


This Japanese writing is establish right after the particular sprites in Ruddy Rescue Squad. Information technology says "around this surface area".

Numbered Tags


These graphics are found later the above writing in Red Rescue Team, and after the item sprites in Blue Rescue Squad.

Unused Text Icon


There are many text icons in the dialogue text font, but this one is completely unused. Too, information technology is unclear what it was meant to represent.

Unused Floor Screen Characters


To practise:
Listing unused characters for Japanese version.


These are the unused characters for the screen showed when entering a dungeon floor. Interestingly, there is no lowercase "q".

Unused Portraits


This is a placeholder portrait found in Skarmory's data. The Japanese in the graphic corresponds to Skarmory's Japanese name.

In add-on, there is a indistinguishable of Rayquaza's portrait in the files, stored separately from the used i.

Unused Items

These can be found in the Kangaskhan Storage afterwards activating the corresponding cheat code (except for the "Nothing" item):

Ruby Rescue Team (GameShark) Blue Rescue Team (Activity Replay)
                                      420389FA 0001 000000EF 0002                                  
                                      A213C112 000003E7 D5000000 000003E7 C0000000 000000EE D7000000 0213BF36 D2000000 00000000                                  
Item proper noun Sprite In-game description Role
Aught PMD1-Oran Berry.gif No information available. An item placeholder used for Pokémon in friend areas.
Ring D PMDRRT-Ribbon.gif Ring D Unknown.
Ring East PMDRRT-Ribbon.gif Ring E Unknown.
Ring F PMDRRT-Ribbon.gif Band F Unknown.
Alert Specs PMDRRT-Specs.gif A hold particular that prevents the Pokémon from having its held item snatched abroad or swatted down. Merely as the in-game clarification says. Note that this is pretty useless since its effect applies on the item itself, which doesn't have whatever other event.
PMDRRT-TmName.gifExcavate PMDRRT-Tm.gif Teaches the movement Excavate. Information technology digs through the wall the user is facing. No Pokémon tin larn it, and then the only way to access its move is by hacking (see the Unused Moves sub-page).
PMDRRT-TmName.gifSpin Slash PMDRRT-Tm.gif Teaches the move Spin Slash. It inflicts damage on all foes surrounding the user. Same as above.
PMDRRT-OrbName.gifObserver Orb PMDRRT-Orb.gif Changes the status of the target to Paused, making information technology incapable of action. Just as the in-game description says.
PMDRRT-OrbName.gifPossess Orb PMDRRT-Orb.gif A leader's hold particular that enables the leader to possess a friend and survive. Information technology but works for the squad leader. It makes an adjacent ally faint in identify of the leader, which completely heals them.
PMDRRT-OrbName.gifReviver Orb PMDRRT-Orb.gif A hold detail that revives the Pokémon if information technology faints. It does not piece of work if the holder faints from an explosion. Just as the in-game clarification says.
PMDRRT-OrbName.gifToss Orb PMDRRT-Orb.gif Enables the Pokémon to throw items. It makes the user perform the item-throw animation.
PMDRRT-OrbName.gifBeatup Orb PMDRRT-Orb.gif Synthesis item Aforementioned issue as the Beat Upward move.
G Machine vi PMDRRT-Box.gif Synthesis item Same function as the Link Box item.
G Automobile vii PMDRRT-Box.gif Synthesis detail Aforementioned function as the Link Box item.
1000 Machine eight PMDRRT-Box.gif Synthesis item Same part as the Link Box item.
Weavile Fig PMDRRT-Box.gif Weavile event particular. This particular name appears in the descriptions for missions which offer the Weavile Statue as a reward. However, the player never obtains it in their inventory, since the statue is displayed exterior the base instead. This item also functions every bit the Link Box item.
Switch Box PMDRRT-Box.gif A curious box that enables the user to switch the rescue team'south leader. Simply official team members may become the team leader. Simply as the in-game description says. Withal, information technology doesn't work until the main story is finished.
Mime Jr. Fig PMDRRT-Box.gif Mime Jr. event item. Aforementioned as the Weavile Fig.

Unused Music

There are two unused tracks in the games. It is unknown where they would have gone, but judging by the file names they were at 1 point intended for a cutscene and training carte du jour of some sort. The word "zukkoke" is Japanese for "foolish" or "stupid."

Red Rescue Squad: EVENT_ZUKKOKE
Blueish Rescue Team: SND_BGM_M_EVENT_ZUKKOKE

Red Rescue Team: SYS_TRAINING

Unused Sound Effects

An alternative sound consequence for development goes unused:

Red Rescue Team: EVOLUTION_02
Blue Rescue Team: SND_ME_M_EVOLUTION_02

A track consisting of four sequent sound effects, of which only the third is used. Judging by the file proper noun ("orugoru" is Japanese for "music box"), this could take been intended for the Music Box item. In the actual game, the Music Box never makes whatever sounds and disappears from the inventory if the thespian attempts to employ it.

Red Rescue Team: EFF_ORUGORU
Blue Rescue Team: SND_ME_M_EFF_ORUGORU

Redundant Sound Furnishings

At that place are two sound tracks consisting of well-nigh identical data, used when leveling upwards:

Red Rescue Team: LEVELUP (used), FANFARE (unused)
Blue Rescue Team: SND_ME_M_LEVELUP (used), SND_ME_M_FANFARE (unused)

There is another couple of sound tracks, which in this case consist in the very same data, used when receiving a mission reward:

Cherry Rescue Team: REWARD (used), NEWS (unused)
Blue Rescue Squad: SND_ME_M_REWARD (used), SND_ME_M_NEWS (unused)

Silent Tracks

In that location are two tracks which make no sound when played, which are labeled internally as DUMMY and SAVE_01 in Red Rescue Squad and as SND_BGM_M_DUMMY and SND_BGM_M_SAVE_01 in Blue Rescue Squad.

Unused Pokémon Settings

Various unused settings for Pokémon data.

Unused Pokémon Sizes

The Pokémon Size value is actually indicating the corporeality of video memory necessary for its relative overworld graphics. Valid values tin can go from 1 to 6, but only Pokémon with sizes of 1, 2, and iv are nowadays in the game.

Unused Walkable Tiles Setting

Many Pokémon are fix in the game's code to be able to walk on specific dungeon floor tiles; however, there are no Pokémon set to be able to walk on both magma and h2o only non on sky tiles.

Default Speed

In the main Pokémon data, there is a value that sets the default movement speed modifier, merely no Pokémon have a set value different from the regular speed. Also note that the value can get from -2147483648 to 2147483647, which is quite overly long because that the actual range of valid speed values is merely six.

"None" Pokémon Type

Many Pokémon have no second type, but if the data for a Pokémon is set as such for the first type, it will exist displayed as having "None" as type.

"None" Friend Area

Only some unused Pokémon have "None" set equally their friend surface area. These can even so exist recruited, but the game volition always ask the thespian to release all of them later leaving the dungeon, maxim that the friend surface area is full.

"-------" Pokémon Ability

As with the "None" Pokémon type, this is displayed merely if prepare as the first ability. Also, this power has no description text.

Munchlax'southward Evolution

Munchlax can evolve to Snorlax at level 40, just this cannot be triggered in-game, because Munchlax is unobtainable.

Diglett and Dugtrio Shadow

Diglett and Dugtrio are specially programmed to not display their shadow, which are yet actually set up to be, respectively, medium and big.

Unused Dungeon Data

Removed Pokémon

Several floors have information for Pokémon with nothing risk to appear. This was done past setting their probability value to 0. Well-nigh of these seem to be leftovers from when presets were copy-pasted for some floors.

Dungeon Floors Pokémon Level
Stormy Sea B1F-B8F Tentacruel Lv. 33
Stormy Sea B1F-B9F Omastar Lv. 35
Stormy Ocean B1F-B5F Pelipper Lv. 23
Stormy Sea B9F-B14F Dewgong Lv. 35
Stormy Body of water B9F-B17F Armaldo Lv. 28
Stormy Sea B11F-B14F Slowbro Lv. 27
Stormy Sea B15F-B24F Sealeo Lv. 22
Stormy Sea B15F-B24F Walrein Lv. 28
Stormy Sea B34F-B39F Walrein Lv. 28
Stormy Sea B35F-B39F Sharpedo Lv. 35
Shooting star Cave B20F Deoxys (Assail) Lv. 35
Falling star Cave B20F Deoxys (Defense) Lv. 35
Meteor Cave B20F Deoxys (Speed) Lv. 35
Buried Relic B15F Geodude Lv. 27
Buried Relic B15F Ditto Lv. 25
Buried Relic B15F Noctowl Lv. 30
Cached Relic B15F Porygon2 Lv. 20
Buried Relic B15F Aron Lv. 35
Buried Relic B15F Gulpin Lv. twenty
Cached Relic B15F Regice Lv. 23
Buried Relic B15F Registeel Lv. 25
Buried Relic B25F Hypno Lv. 33
Cached Relic B25F Ditto Lv. 25
Buried Relic B25F Hitmontop Lv. 22
Cached Relic B25F Regirock Lv. 18
Buried Relic B25F Registeel Lv. 25
Buried Relic B35F Sandshrew Lv. 30
Cached Relic B35F Shedinja Lv. 5
Buried Relic B35F Regirock Lv. 18
Buried Relic B35F Regice Lv. 23
Northern Range 25F Seviper Lv. 25
Desert Region 1F-6F Sandslash Lv. 35
Desert Region 1F-11F Vibrava Lv. thirty
Desert Region 12F-20F Claydol Lv. 26
Southern Cavern B1F-B7F Dugtrio Lv. thirty
Southern Cavern B37F-B45F Tyranitar Lv. 50
Peppery Field 1F-4F Ninetales Lv. 50
Peppery Field 1F-4F Camerupt Lv. 37
Peppery Field 5F-8F Charmeleon Lv. 30
Fiery Field 26F-30F Charizard Lv. 55
Fiery Field 30F Charmeleon Lv. 30
Fiery Field 30F Combusken Lv. 26
Northwind Field 27F-30F Feraligatr Lv. 60
Northwind Field 30F Croconaw Lv. 28
Northwind Field 30F Politoed Lv. 28
Northwind Field 30F Absol Lv. 45
Lightning Field 1F-5F Magneton Lv. 28
Lightning Field 1F-5F Flaaffy Lv. 30
Lightning Field 1F-5F Ampharos Lv. 33
Lightning Field 6F-7F Raichu Lv. 25
Lightning Field 6F-7F Magneton Lv. 28
Lightning Field 7F Ampharos Lv. 33
Lightning Field 8F-9F Raichu Lv. 25
Lightning Field 8F-9F Ampharos Lv. 33
Lightning Field 10F Raichu Lv. 25
Lightning Field 10F-B13F Ampharos Lv. 33
Lightning Field 15F-22F Electabuzz Lv. 12
Lightning Field 30F Raichu Lv. 25
Lightning Field 30F Manectric Lv. 35
Lightning Field 30F Tropius Lv. 35
Wondrous Ocean B1F-B12F Regirock Lv. v
Wondrous Ocean B1F-B12F Regice Lv. 17
Wondrous Bounding main B1F-B12F Registeel Lv. 20
Dojo Registration B1F-B69F Abra Lv. xvi
Purity Wood 99F Parasect Lv. 30
Purity Wood 99F Weezing Lv. 20
Purity Forest 99F Claydol Lv. 26
Purity Forest 99F Salamence Lv. 26
Purity Woods 99F Metagross Lv. 28

Map Coordinates

At that place are 20 unused coordinates for the globe map locations. Below is a graphic comparison the full screen of used ones and a mockup of the unused ones:

Used Coordinates Unused Coordinates
PMD1-UsedCoordinates.png PMD1-UnusedCoordinates.png

The unused entries are, approximately from left to right and from top to bottom:

  • Fantasy Strait (183, ix)[1]
  • D61 (217, 8)[i]
  • D51 (250, eight)[1]
  • Sky Tower Summit (352, 12)[ii]
  • Boss 4 (443, six)[1]
  • D54 (474, vi)[1]
  • D50 (472, 25)[1]
  • Mt. Freeze Peak (427, 62)[iii]
  • Mt. Freeze Summit (436, 69)[ii]
  • Frosty Grotto (422, 101)[ii]
  • Mt. Blaze Peak (389, 109)[2]
  • Mt. Thunder Peak (299, 142)[2]
  • Magma Cavern Pit (446, 163)[two]
  • Dojo Registration (187, 190)[one]
  • Wondrous Body of water (336, 253)[1]
  • Autopilot (11, 307)[1]
  • Snowfall Path (206, 314)[4]
  • Rock Path (225, 314)[iv]
  • Boss 3 (246, 315)[1]
  • Boss 9 (441, 310)[1]

There are 3 types of unused coordinates:

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 ane.04 1.05 1.06 i.07 ane.08 1.09 1.10 Unused Dungeons.
  2. 2.0 ii.ane 2.two 2.3 ii.4 2.5 Dungeons which tin can't be accessed straight from the base. Notation that these locations are displayed in Blueish Rescue Team during post-boss battle story cutscenes if the option to evidence the map in the summit screen is set.
  3. Clone of Mt. Freeze Pinnacle, used for the Gengar mission.
  4. 4.0 iv.1 Dungeons which can't be accessed outside of story events.

Unused Data

Unused Damage Types

In that location are two text strings indicating unused damage types: debug impairment and fainted from a debug attack.

Unused Move Ranges


To do:
Analyze in the game'southward code to document their precise function.

2 unused moves have a unique Range: なにもの? (Who?) has "None" ( 00 ), and Spin Slash has "Foe at side" ( 09 ), which seems to be the same as Cut's "Foes within 1-tile range" ( 02 ).

Unused Tactics


To practise:
Observe a way to access and/or enable these tactics past code adulterous or ROM hacking and analyze the game's code to document their part.
Proper name Clarification
All for 1                
The Pokémon volition try to avoid beingness lonely. It volition try to stay with the team.                
Grouping safety                
The Pokémon will attempt to avoid beingness alone. Information technology will try to stay with friends of the same species.                

These tactic names and descriptions are found in the ROM along with the used ones.

Unused Text Placeholders

"Unregistered dialog script" Dialogue

Japan version International
Unregistered dialog script                

This red text line is displayed in the textbox when talking to an overworld Pokémon which has no dialog script fix. It tin can be found in the unused overworld areas.

"invalidity" String

Effect of crook lawmaking beneath. Note that this works even if there is no game saved.

Japan version International

This red give-and-take is displayed in identify of undefined string variables in textboxes. The following cheat code forces the game to testify it in the main menu:

Scarlet Rescue Squad (GameShark) Blue Rescue Team
                                      D4A8D728 9CCAB80C 5ECB57AF CA29737F A3B8FC60 432D52C4 2713B05D 566003E0                                  

Not applicative

This code will change the "Adventure Log" text menu in "$m0", which is a text macro for pointing a cord variable. Annotation that there aren't equivalent cheat codes applicable for Blue Rescue Team, for which this change can only be done by editing the ROM file.

"undefine" String


To practise:
Find a way to trigger information technology.
Japan version International

This red word is present in the ROM later the "invalidity" one. It'due south probably a placeholder for undefined string variables.

"ななし" Friend Expanse Name

Used as a name placeholder. Means "Nameless".

Build Dates

The post-obit ASCII strings are plant in the specified versions at the specified addresses.

Ruby Rescue Team

pkd ver 1.0 [Oct  7 2005] 21:59:14                
PKDi ver 1.0 [Apr 28 2006] sixteen:37:54                
Us Kiosk Demo
PKDi ver 1.0 [May 29 2006] 14:11:36                
PKDi ver 1.0 [Sep 13 2006] fourteen:17:17                

Blue Rescue Team

Japan v1.0
pkd ver 1.0 [Oct  7 2005] 21:56:50                
Japan v1.1
pkd ver 1.0 [Nov 24 2005] xv:05:08                
PKDi ver 1.0 [May 29 2006] 17:05:20                
PxKDi ��1.0� [Sep 13  2006] 1 4:13:31                
South Korea
PKDi ver 1.0 [May 17 2007] xix:16:08                


  • The Japan v1.1 string claims to be another v1.0.
  • The Europe string seems to be damaged.

Regional Differences

Crimson Rescue Squad Title Screen

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team title JP.png
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team title.png
Europe (English)
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team title EU eng.png
Europe (German)
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team title EU ger.png
Europe (French)
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team title EU fre.png
Europe (Spanish)
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team title EU spa.png
Europe (Italian)
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team title EU ita.png
  • The logo in the Japanese version has a different mode compared to the other versions.
  • As in several other games, "Button START" in the Japanese version is changed to "Press Beginning" in the English linguistic communication versions.
  • The subtitle in the European version has a unlike and smaller font than the US and Australian ones.
  • The logo is slightly redone in the European version to brand the trademark sign more noticeable and arrive easier to change information technology for the different languages bachelor.
  • The sky in the U.s.a. and Australian versions is actually the same as from Blueish Rescue Team:
Cherry-red Rescue Team (U.s./Commonwealth of australia) Blue Rescue Team (all versions)
PMDRRT-TitleSky.png PMDBRT-TitleSky.PNG

Also note that the lower part of the body of water has a unique graphic that is commonly unseen.

Blue Rescue Team Title Screen

South Korea
Europe (English language)
Europe (German)
Europe (French)
Europe (Spanish)
Europe (Italian)

The differences are the aforementioned as for Red Rescue Squad, except for these facts:

  • The logo in the Korean version, which was released only as Blueish Rescue Squad, is the simply 1 with a similar style to the Japanese one.
  • All the title screens have the same background.

Recruited Pokémon List

Nihon/Korea International
PMDRRT-FriendListJP.png PMDRRT-FriendListUS.png

The list of recruited Pokémon shows the relative species in brackets in the Japanese and Korean versions only.

Friend Surface area Overworld Map

Friend Areas in the game are sorted in regions that can be traversed on this alternate overworld map; in the Japanese version but there is the word エリア (expanse) after the name of each region; additionally, for the player's team base of operations, there is the give-and-take きち (base) after the team'southward name. A like affair happens in the Korean version.

Revisional Differences

Early Japanese copies take a glitch that may erase saved data in whatever Game Boy Advance games inserted into the DS'south second slot other than Cherry-red Rescue Team.


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