
What Color Is Each Moon In The Solar System

What colour is each planet? (Intermediate)

What are the true colors of each planet in our Solar organization? I've seen the aforementioned planet colored differently in different photos.

Here are the true colors of the planets, with links to some relevant images from NASA spacecraft. (Note that spacecraft photos appearing in the media oft have false coloration.)

  1. Mercury: gray (or slightly brown). Mercury has practically no atmosphere, and so nosotros simply run across the rocky surface. Note that many images of Mercury (like this one) are grayscale, derived from a single color filter. Mercury'southward colour variations are fairly subtle; the color variations are profoundly exaggerated in this imitation color view.
  2. Venus: pale yellow. To human eyes, Venus looks kind of dull. We can simply run into the thick layer of featureless sulfuric acid clouds. Two of the Soviet Venera probes returned images from the surface of Venus. The colors from those Venera images were later used to colorize radar data from NASA's Magellan spacecraft, in order to generate simulated global views of the surface of Venus. You can find more on the colors of Venus here.
  3. Earth: mostly blueish with white clouds. Oceans and light scattered by the temper brand World prevailingly bluish. Depending on the area seen in an individual picture, brown, yellow and green continents can exist seen or parts of Earth tin can exist covered past white clouds. Earth is by far the most dynamic planet when seen from space.
  4. Mars: generally reddish brown, though with some darker regions, and also white ice caps. The ascendant reddish colour comes from rusty rocks on the surface, since the clouds are rare and thin.
  5. Jupiter: orange and white bands. The white bands are colored by ammonia clouds, while the orange comes from ammonium hydrosulfide clouds. None of the four "gas behemothic" planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) has a solid surface, so all we meet are only clouds in their atmospheres.
  6. Saturn: pale gilt. White ammonia haze covers the whole planet and partially obscures redder clouds below. Clouds in Saturn'due south wintertime hemisphere are stake blue. Scientists think that because the rings are blocking the Sunday in the winter hemisphere, things are colder there and the ammonia clouds are lower downward than normal. This gives the rest of the atmosphere more of a adventure to scatter lite, just like the Earth's temper does.
  7. Uranus: pale bluish. The color comes from methane clouds. In some photos released after the Voyager ii flyby (in 1986), Uranus looked green, merely that color was bogus.
  8. Neptune: pale blue. As in the case of Uranus, the color is due to methane. Neptune would announced darker than Uranus due to dimmer illumination (greater distance from the Sun). Some of the images of Neptune from the Voyager 2 flyby (in 1989) show a deep blue color, simply the colors in those images were enhanced. The actual colors of Uranus and Neptune are quite like.
  9. Pluto (no longer a planet; now classified as a dwarf planet): mostly low-cal brown, with some darker regions. Note that some of the images from NASA's New Horizons space probe (which flew past Pluto and its moons in 2015) have been enhanced to show colour contrasts more conspicuously.

Also, I would like to add together that the assignment of colors is somewhat subjective. For case, one person's "bluish" might look more like "light-green" to somebody else. Astronomers rarely care well-nigh that, and we use precise spectra when we demand to obtain quantitative information near an object's color.

Hither are some good sites with more images of the planets (not e'er in true color!):

  • NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day (APoD):
  • NASA/JPL Space Images: http://world wide
  • NASA/JPL Photojournal:

And, here are some pages that explicate how false color images are useful in astronomy:


This page was last updated past Sean Marshall on February 7, 2016.

Almost the Writer

Matija Cuk

Matija works on the orbital dynamics of the lesser moons of Jupiter and Saturn. He graduated with his PhD from Cornell in Nov 2004 and is now working at the University of British Columbia in Canada.


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